Thursday, August 1, 2024

ThatAnimeSnob "Critical Moister and Sneako are spreading the cancer of relativism" - How hedonism contributes to devolution

 Facts. And even if it was legal, that's where our humanity kicks in and opposes corrupt policy and government that preys on children

But if your humanity has been warped and dulled, "tolerance" matters more than sanity. Gov. can control you as long as you "feel good" about whatever imposition is being enforced, or how the collective party feels about it: It's 1984 in a nutshell.

Hedonism is a means where Governments control stupid masses by making pleasure the reason to live and die

That's how hedonism accelerates devolution. Culture redefines standards, that which makes you doubt, judge, criticize and think. Standards are that which separates you from the animal, a controllable entity.

Traditional values is repressed and indulgence is spread rampant. Repress standards: because people using their brains is dangerous. Encourage fetishism/lustful obsession, then you have a dumber population, easier to control.

Its all a prison for your mind, control.

And the ones on top pump it into you through pop culture your entire life, how? They have ownership of everything you see and internalize into your subconscious, the elites have control of the narrative. Who do you think owns the companies that all seem to say and spout the exact same thing, namely the News. Hollywood propaganda.

That's why you keep seeing the same thing, repackaged but delivered the exact same way. That's not creativity or diversity, that's the same people selling the same propaganda that they want you to digest. Whether willingly or even if you reject it, it still lives in your head rent-free because it's everywhere, and you can't escape it.

That's how you become a "product of society", you consume, tolerate, be passive, question nothing- and not a Success story of your parents doing their goddamn job. A product consuming product shilling product, consuming. Question nothing.

Criticism is what keeps society from becoming an insane asylum, inhibition is not oppression, it's necessary, it's discipline.

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