Friday, August 2, 2024

Scumbags gotta bag (European Championships 2022 meme, the cameraman brought his expired swollen V-Card to work)

Its unfortunate, it just ruins the moment, the good vibes when you diminish the altruism & togetherness, their moment, to make it about you and your undying need to relegate these people to pieces of meat, live tv.

Really shitty thing to do, son. And I know it was a dude, Cameramen are usually men, Camera’s are not light, very physical job, visual oriented.

And this video is getting circulated all over the place with “W camerman”, “should get a raise”, “he understood the assignment”

“A raise? Did they miss the part where he’s on a running track for National sports and not on set for an Amateur doggystyle shoot?”

all the Yas Bro memes you’d expect from 13 year olds who don’t know what a “bounced check” means.

Like holy shit, and these same little boys will be pearl clutching when hollywood hits em with woke shit or female characters are wearing too much clothing but when this happens they acting up and enabling grownass men dehumanizing people on:


(That’s the part that kills me, all these neophytes enabling juvenile activity from an ADULT on live tv and nobody mentions how this man really embarrassed these women on national television. I sure hope their kids weren’t watching)

I don’t wanna hear shit from people whining about something bein’ woke, cause ya’ll don’t know how to keep each other in check.

Scumbags gotta bag. probably the closest he’s ever gotten to the real deal. Or not, who knows, you’d be surprised how many pricks get ass and still act like this.

Keywords: They get sex, and STILL act like this #Parenthoodfail

Just ruins their moment when you diminish the comradery to make it about you- to go OUT of your way to objectify these people live, on live, on god.

Really shitty impulse control. Someone shoulda yanked his ass by the collar & dragged him off the damn track. Give him something to remember with the letter of termination on the way out the door.

Granted the shorts themselves the ladies are wearing are doing a good job on their own riding up Crack valley (seriously what the fuck, Olympics, hello?), but to almost shove the damn optic up her ass, you’re doing too much.

That’s Lil boy shit.

Rub it out before work if you have to, and do your goddamn job kiddos, and reel it in.

Dial it back, get it out, reel it in and go contribute to society like a competent adult person. This ain’t the time to live out your Highschool fantasies, this is your job, act like it.

Personally, If I was admin, he’d be gone, his ass would be G.O.N.E

I’ll crash course on camera-Ops and hold the damn camera myself but his ass would BE GONE- GOOOOONE. Period.

Ain’t getting no warning for that shit, he didn’t bump into her by accident that was a goddamn calculated Anime angle. Amateur porn movements. What the fuck dude.

“W cameraman” — Bruh what?

Go from checking rampant misandry to the other extreme of the spectrum to this shit.

Parenting was not supposed to be a spectator sport. See when you have the baby, you’re supposed to actually RAISE the little nugget so that they can be trusted to make sound decisions; That’s the very foolproof formula that somehow fools can’t seem to master.

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