Monday, August 5, 2024

My Hero Academia tards #102: Nobody gets the ending

being a teacher is one of the most important roles in any infrastructure. It's why being a parent is so important.

The issue isn't that, the issue is he wouldn't have achieved anything if it weren't for him just by miracle meeting Yagi who just happened to be the #1 hero who just happened to have a transferable quirk that just happened to be a compilation type that just happened to be connected to the main villain who just happened to be connected to Tomura.

Deku achieved nothing before he met All Might, thus he needed a plot contrivance to get anything done on his own. That's the issue. He was given everything, and achieved nothing.

Him training with the power is him making the most out of a handicap, a hand-out, a mod that no one else had.
Melissa had no powers, she made it work & used her mind to contribute, so did her Father. Melissa should've been the mc.
He didn't achieve his dream because he seized it, he didn't achieve it because it was not of his own ability.

If he was already in U.A and was failing, then met All Might who noticed he was quirkless, that's different but AT LEAST he managed to get in the damn school on his own.

No he couldn't even do the entrance exams on his own. He had his hand held the entire way. Even when he went rogue, the adults were keeping tabs on him via tracking chip in his phone. Always shadowing him, the kid couldn't DO ANYTHING on his own. Not even shower or feed himself properly.

He was pathetic.

He needed God to hand him the keys to success in the beginning and apparently the end as well seeing how Yagi (the one who's always handing him free shit) gives him basically a super exo-skeleton. Which is probably what should've went down in the first place back in 2014

The teacher bit is least of the problems, way to miss the point which is Horikoshi missed/& defeated his own point.

Deku doesn't vigilante by night and a teacher by day, but yet again handed more power. Deku is a spoiled man-child.

He has zero drive, he was too passive. Too damn NPC to be the main character. He doesn't do shit unless he's activated by a quest prompt.

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