Saturday, November 30, 2024

Making It Plain To Konkret Comics Colorists About Isis' Skintone (Shawn's defense for bashing a book because the main heroine didn't date a black man))

I get it, Shawn's dissent of Luna is both aesthetic but more so substance, fine.
And Isis in practice is more pro-black, easily a better character from how he described; so the whole core of this counter-argument is she's pro black & there's lore behind her look despite her looking more latina than an actual traditional black woman of healthy darker complexion which would be better. *Yet technically still she's not a BW by our standards nor entirely human, so she's an outsider assimilating someone else's fight,* playing savior with good intentions essentially but she's not white so she gets to be an honorary black woman despite having no stake in the struggle, so she's an adoptee to the culture, an alien; Not a daughter of the community being a solution for the community. Which is an overtone in itself. W_hich i personally don't have an issue with, but the factor here is consistency to the agenda which Shawn harps on often with rhetoric like insinuating people self-hate or whatnot if their creative liberties are not how he likes them to be._

The only difference between her and luna really on a basic visual level is the hair. Because the only reason why these Konkret cats spoke on Isis is reactionary to what was said about their work to begin with. They didn't initiate this. *All this really says is that going-in on people's work not cause of merit but because of creative decisions/a character doesn't look black enough by hair (which is hypocritical because reddish hue isn't traditional either regardless of why) or dates who you want them to is just unnecessary no matter who's doing the BBQing. Case and Period.* Because naturally, I repeat- NATURALLY people are going to hold the other accountable by the same token of criticism they receive especially if it's inflammatory & over aesthetic instead of execution, and it's only fair, that goes for any topic. And no BW do not fear losing BM they push away or walk away from to begin with because of lack of humility & house training, which is not their fault, thats a parenting skill issue. Same goes for the brothas who do the same to the ladies. *They don't trust BM because the dysfunctional BM they have as options were raised by dysfunctional BW, plain and simple.*

The system has it's hand in sabotaging the community no doubt, regardless it doesn't make anyone commit to bad personal life decisions.

Blaming "supremacy" is just not holding BW accountable which is why women will always be the weaklink (of any race) if they're constantly told they're victims, and when you're forever a victim, the less agency you have, the less desire you feel to go out of your way to evolve or fix anything.

That's the curse of the black community. If you are victim 24/7, then the burden of evolution is on the oppressor not you, so you never change, but when things don't get better because YOU don't change, then you also blame that on the boogeyman. A Paradox of decline and failure.

like whether or not you give a dysfunctional man an heir anyway despite every reason not to, that's not on white supremacy, that's on her, that's on them. Gotta stop using that "white supremacy" term as a scapegoat when all people have to do is just be responsible and nut up & do better. And WANT their own community to succeed.

Because YES, light or dark the system sees a black person but more importantly better wake up and understand the system has it's biases but it doesn't about color that much, masses are the masses, if a nuke drops right now, it's not going to discriminate between whites and blacks, nuclear warheads don't care about your color bruv. I guarantee you that.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Manga Overview #8e: My Hero Academia (Volumes 28-41)

Mirko had more plot armor than Christ himself. And only had a stake in the fandom because she was a dark skin ( But NOT too dark to where her complexion clashes with preconceived notions of attractiveness, so she’s not black but light tan) animal freak fetish, Midnight left the chat, here comes the new flavor.

Nice one kohei



remember this throwback: 


Remember this shit? Course you don’t, this article was made during Season 2′s no stakes festival. 

Ochako broke a female lead curse because she got ONE episode with some focus, where she lost the match against Bakugou anyway, she never got to help fight Stain and was overlooked thereon post Final Exams- 

despite her motivations involving her parents, the biggest character moment she had in Season 3 was shelving her feelings for Deku. She wasn’t involved in the Kamino arc situation



Sunday, November 24, 2024

The odd American obsession with a "Female President"

The odd American obsession with a Female President

“The United States is not ready for a woman president — at least not a Democratic woman president.”

“-not ready”, like a woman finally being elected as Commander-In Chief is a cosmic level convergence in the universe, give it a rest.

Translation: So women weren’t ready for a woman president. 😂

Let’s not omit the reality that women outnumber men, and many women chose Trump anyway. Some women aren’t stupid enough to vote by gender tribalism bias and instead actually read policy concerns.

Because a lot of women aren’t stuck in their teen phase & don’t vote by “girls club” rules.

“A vote for a woman is a vote for me, even when policies state otherwise or the candidate I’m voting for is a straight up lying scumbag. A victory for that woman is a victory for me, even though her life has nothing to do with mine and she put 10x more effort to better herself than I would on my best day for my own children.”
(Modern day process of elimination)
“VP Harris. She’s brown, I’m brown; So that means she has my best interest at heart even though her life experience doesn’t even begin to match mine. She doesn’t answer questions coherently or honestly, she lies, she deflects, she keeps bringing up Trump to red herring a conversation whenever she’s caught on her own failures as VP. And she supports censorship, yet for some reason she calls Trump a fascist even though she’s caught on camera advocating for Social Media crackdowns. But she’s brown so I have to vote for her.”
(Current standard of logical decision making because this “Representation” campaign was definitely NOT a propaganda vehicle to make people even easier to control by convincing them to be dumb enough to put themselves in boxes.)
See, It’s not racism if the idiots segregate themselves and call it “progress” or “diversity”.

“‘I think a woman could do a great job as president. I don’t think she is the right woman’”

There is no right woman, there is the right person or not. This sex obsession is disgusting. Instead of her being the first to do it best, its just she’s the First woman to do it.

That’s how low the standard is now.

person a: “First woman to do [insert] that 5000 men have done already”, this is an achievement for women.

Person b: Why? Did she do it better?

person a: Nope, pretty average.

person b: Then what’s the big deal?

persona a: A woman did it.

person b: oooooooookay then, so are women handicapped?

person a: No, pretty capable. Not as strong but Higher pain tolerance, weaker bone density but better immune system, how they think & solve issues is actually pretty interesting.

person b: Then why the celebration as if the collective expected her to fail, when males paved the way anyway?? She did nothing to add to the formula, all she did was join.

person a: Well that’s-

person b: Why do they treat feats of a member of their own species as a separate historical event for a group that’s part of the same species anyway, when it’s a good thing for the whole & not just them- AS IF THEY ARE ALIENS?

person a: I don’t know actually…

person b: That’s stupid.

— Aliens Maybe

“‘People still don’t trust us to lead’”

“Us” — — — — — “Us” ?



this isolation language like women are another species. Stop playing into propaganda that wants you to box yourself off.

Stop being a tool playing into your downfall, which is disconnect: “Us” vs “Them” Syndrome

People in general won’t take you seriously when you obsess over superficial shit cause of how it looks.

If your main stay contribution is you’re the first woman to do it, not do it better or differently or phenomenally but just a woman that did it, don’t be surprised when people don’t take you seriously.

There’s no us, there’s only you.

“The outcome of the election suggests, to me, that our society remains more comfortable with women in supporting roles rather than the primary decision-makers.”

Well that’s an incorrect suggestion bud.

Oh “our society” is more accustomed to women being side kicks, despite the past 15–20 years of female supremacy propaganda that says they’re better. Hence not “#FutureIsMankinds” but #FutureIsfemale (How inclusive)

Whoever’s in the Chief’s seat doesn’t change that a woman who’s already the matriarch of a family in real time right now is still the one calling the shots in her family regardless of who is the President.

What does Harris losing have to do with being comfortable with a woman being primary decision -maker when plenty of people live with that reality in their own family units and working environments as we speak, with women being primary shot callers.

If it really boiled down to society’s comfort vs needs, Harris would be President.

All this #FutureIsFemale bullshit, you’d think people would take the hint that this modern pagan female supremacy paradigm that you actually live in and that women basically being god overtone SHOULD be reality- you’d think that alone would’ve gotten Harris in the White House.

Because that’s the blunt instrument of a message that Americans have been getting assaulted with for YEEEARS now.

Otherwise, what is even the thought process behind saying that beside a pathetic excuse to paint the culture as patriarchal when in an actual patriarchy #FutureIsFemale wouldn’t even be a hashtag, it’d be a parody, a fucking joke, which is what it is.

Men wouldn’t be killing themselves more than women, they’d be doing better for themselves in education and other areas along side women, as women are.

Not dominating in homelessness, suicide, struggling, occupation deaths, prison deaths, deaths in general and suffering & left behind; All the areas that’d be National news if they were instead occupied by women but they’re not, it’s just a male issue thus a non-issue to society. Because men suffering is called Tuesday, women’s slightest inconvenience is called “problematic” or “his fault”.

Systematic double standards both ground-level AND judicial, the system forgets men’s issues even exist and when they are given a platform, it’s out of mockery, antagonism ie. called “misogyny” when the men forget their place or treated with narrow tolerance and zero sensitivity.

I can just smell the male privilege from here, smells like burning ash and smoking dogshit.

You live in a Matriarchal Patriarchy, it’s okay to say it.

Stop calling it “the patriarchy” because that way you can blame men for the problems, when in reality your problems started the moment you left men behind to put women on high. The moment you disconnected the two in the culture.

It’s neither men or women’s fault, but you can control both by keeping them in constant conflict. That’s how you control a generation to eat themselves.

People overlook how sensitive & emotional people became in the past 2 decades, not indicative of anything patriarchal. This cancel culture phenomenon in itself is a matriarchal tribal attack mechanism.

America stopped being a Patriarchy years ago.

That aside, I’m further confused by this “Primary Decision-Maker” argument: Because for some, being The President, a glorified celebrity; Means you’re actually in charge as to what the masses see, how they think, what the children will perceive as reality in the culture?

Control over the banks, News, sociological narrative, cultural direction as to how men and women conduct & see each other and what signals they’re being bombarded with by pop-culture which actually shapes how people even behave for the rest of their lives?; Control over Civilization’s heartbeat, propaganda. Power.

So we think because Harris lost an Election or if she won; She’d be in charge? You think Trump is in charge? Lmfao.

The President is a title, not a statement, hence how some Business Tycoon was able to become The President AT ALL, sometimes people overlook that punchline.

To control what you see & consume in your everyday life is outside the realm of just “The President”. And that level of control is actual power, because that level of control looms over “The President”.

That’s control over one’s reality, thus society.

Because that’s how you determine cultivating a generation of determined builders or a crop of impressionable idiots with opinions, a list of micro-aggressions, and good intentions.

Raising Adults or Big-ass kids.

I won’t go as far as to call them figure heads, but your Presidents are Class Representatives of a certain “Class”. They are not “the” BOSS.

“Maybe a Republican woman would see greater success”

………. Right because the problem was Harris was a Democrat. That was the issue, spot on. 100% Correct.

Man, they’re ahead of the curve, if only she was a Republican, that’s brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that, wow!

Or maybe stop salivating & fetishizing a Pet female president cause “Vagina magic”, cause that’s exactly what this is.

I hear “female President” so much like a woman being president is going to usher in some cosmic shift in the fabric of reality, second coming tier shit. I remember the night Obama was elected, nothing changed for blacks. America didn’t develop anti-nuke force fields, the cure for cancer wasn’t released- So you cats really gave that man a trophy because he participated with the right skin color.

You’re that easy.

So what exactly are we expecting? You don’t see how condescending it is to fetishize a person in a position just because of a superficial trait and not actual accomplishment?

Why or when did Americans allow themselves to be dumbed down & infantilized this much?

I wish I was making this up, obviously that’s all people are choking on. Not her bringing America to a Type-II Civilization status, no- just having a woman’s ass in the Chief’s chair was the accomplishment. You can’t make this shit up.

Present a candidate with proper plans /policy and if that’s a qualified woman, GREAT.

Yet deifying a woman participating something men did already is not a galactic event bud.

Praise women for inventing it or making it better, not just signing up to do it too. You get better candidates when the standard is higher, not lower; the U.S military could learn from that.

I repeat, women don’t have to do anything right/ better/ or correct.

The bar is so low, just being a woman doing it is worth a badge.

You cannot be okay with this but call something else “Benevolent [this]” or “condescending [that]” when tokenizing just by being a woman or a woman of color or what the fuck she actually brings to the table isn’t even a factor because all everyone is gagging on throat deep is the “It’s A GIRL! — “ boner.

Point being: Harris barely answered any questions, deflection, laughing like a creep every 5 seconds, and in fact very rude & passive aggressive to every interviewer that didn’t go easy on her: because the train she kept riding on was just being a woman running for President again.

This is why many Americans’ national IQ averages are dropping, people are too easy.

Trump won, but the coping mechanisms/rationalization coming from detractors shows many of us didn’t learn a goddamn thing.

Your leaders truly have grounds to believe the masses are this stupid & gullible.

Praise actual merit and women/people in general will rise to the standard, keep lowering the standard, and you get exactly what you deserve.

Youtube Ads really lost me on this one (ASSmr is beyond stupid)

Always a label for everything, always a category, always a box. Always a shackle. A rabbit hole. See applying meaning to something with an identification is one thing but a label for something transparent for the sake of a label is just redundancy. In the case of this ad, it's always some kind of hook to distract & subject some impressionable mook somewhere to some weird ass addiction, entry point to an obsession or distraction to keep them perpetually 13 years old for the rest of their life. *This shit bounces off of me, but someone somewhere is going to take the bait.* Then these same countries wonder why birthrates are dropping when you enable regress mentality thousands of people every 5 seconds at a time 24/7 In isolation? Not that deep. But when you realize how often you get assaulted with this bullshit, my God this shit gets annoying The embarrassment is Youtube actually lets this slide but if you cuss too much in a video, too soon or some bs or for ANOTHER reason they'll introduce in TOS 10 years from now, you get penalized.. That's the punchline. But THIS is fine though. _I miss the Grammarly arc, hell I even miss that T-Mobile Musical number arc, that was a fun ad._ #Youtubeadsbeingannoying #ASMRIscringe #auditory #memes #lessermook #Labels

The whole Deku being the last user, aka “Deku is special snowflake” chapter (Jan 2023)


If we’re talkin in terms of generation- he’s the last, SURE. “Maybe.”

But otherwise not true, he shouldn't be the last user. 

Cause he's not the only Quirkless, there's Melissa, he could pass it to her when he’s reaching his end or just share the burden. 

It’s not like his powers immediately switch off if he lets her inherit it. 

Cautious is one thing but to presume it ends with him would be to pretend she never existed. Now granted if she was an anime only addition fine, but she is in the manga as far as i understand it.

And if they apply these rules to the show too- that's going to be a blatant plot hole, twice over.


She’s out there getting it done without powers, unlike him who got handed the biggest miraculous happenstance in the MHA Universe which carried him to Hero status. 

All Might had a candidate: Melissa- great kid, good head on her shoulders, inventor by trade so imagine the shit she would’ve been capable of with OFA if she got to go to U.A and trained....

And he chose Deku anyway. Some brat he didn’t know lmfao.

Which is why Deku should’ve gotten into U.A on his own and then Yagi discovers him by the sole fact that a quirkless got into the school on his own merit.

Cause he otherwise would’ve opped out just because he didn’t have a Power, in Episode 1 he boosted himself to keep going before the slime kaiju attacked. But in principle he was discouraged, he wasn’t motivated, he was going through the motions. 

  • He didn’t try for Support or General course then switch to Hero like Shinso did, nope he just done for done or half assing or weak knees cause he didn’t have a power. Because he’s not immediately getting returns.
  • Because momma said “sorry”, and that’s not what he needed to hear. 

HUH?! How tf is he she in the wrong for supporting him but it wasn’t the support he wanted at the time. 


Proof being he kept longing for someone to “tell” him what he “wanted” to hear, he needed someone to tell him to follow his goal instead of just committing because he’s serious.

I didn’t need another Naruto, but whatever the fuck this was wasn’t an MC, this was an Extra with too much screen time.

Just fell into his lap and it worked out. And how do we know it worked out? The bastard told us in the first 3 Episodes, Spoilers?? Lmfao.

Melissa was definitely a later retcon because when you think about it, Bates and Melissa should’ve been  the same person AND the first successor to OFA and Deku would be the 2nd.

Melissa should’ve been the MC, on god.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

LowTierGod Is Really Modern Day Uncle Ruckus! Part 3

LTG is correct about Ai, Gemini does the same crap when we chat.
Withholding information because of political bias not fact.

African Americans do have the lowest IQ, there's no shame in that because they're also some of the best athletes, better than others in certain forms. Everyone is not made equal.

Trying to hide information makes the system look like they're ashamed of that reality which makes the system look racist. Why you worried about it more than the people the info pertains to?

How is it the place of these companies to protect or interfere with blacks knowing a fact of reality like they're their parents or something.

People need to realize how condescending & disrespectful that is.

And honestly, It's not on Ai, it's the people hiring the people to direct the IT techs to make these A.I's to relay info & hide others.

El Cid: The Legend (2003) [ENGLISH DUBBING]

Excellent background art direction, a lot of scenic shots in this really work; the voice acting was good (except for Ben his voice did NOT fit). The chungus body types are off putting at first but you get used to em, good sword choreography, good animation. Jimena is underused but she came in serious clutch, a lot of guts in that lady. No wallflowers here. And the theme of integrity was appreciated, a lot of allies and breakthroughs in this would not have been possible throughout if the seed of prejudice ruled the decision making of the protagonists & even other characters. In that sense this reminds me of "Kingdom of Heaven 2005", different beliefs but coexistence all the same. The worst part about this is the wonky editing transitions between scenes, most times cut too early and thus the sloppy pacing, the movie moves too fast at times and should've been given more backing thus more time to simmer & cook. But the fact that it's this solid given what it had to work with is impressive. It's not a long movie & it doesn't waste time, that's for damn sure. That duet in the end credits caught me off guard, that shit was awesome. Only thing that genuinely sucks about this is I didn't grow up watching it.