Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Will the Y chromosome really disappear? (No, because Nature doesn't expire, it transforms)

It's condensing due to lack of sharing of genetic materials with its sister chromosome X, it's too preserved, that is a fact. 

The disappearance point is a myth, propaganda at worst, at best a sensationalist theory.

Below is Another recent 2024 article repackaging the propaganda. 

Proposing a new sex gene may rise for men, no duh. 

The Y/The Man isn't going to just disappear people, Nature doesn't work like that. NO SHIT it's going to transform, IF the chomosome continues to condense lmfao. 


Male's aren't going anywhere regardless, simply different, variable, upgrade, preorder, whatever you want to call it: If the thinktanks are correct. If.

Some Researchers see depletion as the result because some academics see no other way the Y can go, the fact that part of why its regressing is it mutates due to not exchanging genetic material with the X, thus it doesn't recombine and become a new chromosome, it stays the same. As men tend to be- Y is also too consistent, predictable. 

🟢Simplified: The X chromosomes share Genetics with each other and thus survive by becoming a new chromosome. The Y chromosome keeps to himself & survives anyway. Badass, but the problem is its suffocating in a way because it doesn't or can't share genes, not badass. So it's passed on but it's not rejuvenated, reneewd, thus losing genes. 

But life finds a way- 

As do Men, it's why cities get built at all. 

Hence why the Y is still here without sharing genes, its why the Y conquered the elements and beasts of the land through it's vessels the male. It's why men are the way they are, drive.

I'm still hung up on the fact that we transport people 30+ at a time in metallic bird shaped sardine cans in the sky for commercial use. Not magic, but science, manpower:

Power of Y. 

You won't see that respect in any of these articles pushing the fearmongering, goes against the embraced narrative. 

But the picture brings up an interesting point of the sociological side of this topic, why its being pushed so often. Like thats a more pressing matter than solving world hunger or dropping birthrates *wink wimk: 

You see it every other year because that's how propaganda works. 

Notice how when it's recycled it provides very little new information, just reminding you that the looming boogeyman exists. That's the entire point.

'Males are on borrowed time. Be afraid.' Yawn, this crap is getting predictable. 

Even though the endgame of the theory isn't even relevant to your era, not even close.

But the talking point that the male may disappear, maleness going EXTINCT: thats whats relevant to you, the propaganda.

Next they'll try to convince you that there's evidence of genetic corrosion in boys via how they learn to put their shoes on compared to girls.

Always some bullshit. It never stops.

Masculinity is toxic, Y chromosome is a defect (myth), #killallmen, now this. Over and over again, different tactics, same message.

You see it so often with no new breakthrough or solutions, because Men being painted to be an eventual thing of the past/irrelevant/archaic/problematic is the accepted narrative politically, even though it's not relevant to any of us now and they clearly don't know what will truly happen hence the "Maybe" and "could", they see the data, they make an educated guess with a hard assumptiom that the genetic loss will even continue- 

the narrative is not the point of the research

But the message is the point of why you keep seeing it despite no real breakthrough being discovered. 

Think about it: Males are males now. Who gives a shit about a few score million years from now. This isnt like people in 1920 thinking humanity will have flying cars in 2020, no there's a difference between that and a few score MILLION years. 

There's going to be alot more going in us, men and women, the species alike beyond just the Y chromosome possibly leaving the server. Possibly.

More so, it's a very generous presumption that humanity will be even here by the time anyone can confirm this theory is even true. Logicially.

>To reiterate: It is not a theory that the Y genes are contracting, it is a theory that it will just go away just because it's condensing. But into what? That's the question that wasn't being asked.

Without artificial factors, like airbourne agents, preservatives, etc.: 

Nature doesn't just die out, it transforms. Always has. 

Yet the actual "could be" effects is not even relevant to you or 5 generations of your species from now, even if they concretely confirm it. Not when, If.

When you live "in a society" that CLEARLY takes males & Masculinity for granted, could even say some of the machine detests it despite every existing monolith in your civilization is to be because of men:

Are regurgitated talking points like this really that surprising? Is it that surprising that it's being pushed this often? Or was it inevitable that of course, now maleness is becoming a ghost on a genetic level, because OF COURSE, thats hella convenient. 

"If authority told me, thus true. Thus true is authority." 

(Dare to go beyond what's fed to you, take the "theory" exactly that, a theory.)

It's never going to stop. You're always going to see this because thats the dominant narrative: (Something is wrong with men)

Next up, maleness / Y will be confirmed to be a degenerative trait because of how men turn a doorknob.

Jokes aside: No, males aren't going anywhere. If the gene continues to condense, it doesn't mean men cease, the Y will become something new, transform. 

Think of the X-Men, the Mutants X-Gene comes from the fathers, think of it in that respect. The Y isn't disappearing, IF it continues to lose genes to the point of cataclysm, it'll more than likely become a new chromosome/gene as a defense mechanism, that's IF it's condensing isn't on purpose to that end anyway vs disapearing like a fart molecule.

If true. Men will become something else or more: Which makes sense because men have ALWAYS been a variable. See women are a flattered to be "complex" but  men are the one's that commit the most crimes and pioneer majority of the advancements & turning points of human history, good and bad, males are the complex extreme on both ends of the spectrum. 

That's because of Y.

But as far as "becoming something more" goes, that's a seriously heavy IF Y goes that far, IF humanity lives that long, IF the theory is even correct, IF what we think is shrinking or regression of the gene isn't the chromosome recalibrating into a better recom to compensate what it hasn't been doing with female X Chromosome or a better Y chromosome that can exchange with X. Possibly a new frontier for human genetics.

None of us will be alive to see it regardless.

But regardless males aren't going away because Life finds a way, hence how humans went from grunts & broken vowels to communicating with other humans in a digital sub-dimension of intangible continuity called "the internet".

Fret not. Y survived this long as is for a reason, tough bastard.

Here's an article that added a slightly different perspective on this more than ten years ago.

*MORE than TEN years.* Just to give you an idea on how desperate some are to convince you male chromosome is getting Thanos'd, always make sure to be afraid you malleable masses. 


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