A lot of these Hollywood films are trailers for the movie you’re living in.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
LowTierGod Claims He Slept With 5+ Women In A Day Before Fame (SEVERE DE...
Superman Classic (This animation is sitting at 600k after 13 years, unacceptable)
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
LowTierGod Goes on HEATED Delusional Rant after witnessing "Rog" Activity
nah man, you lost me completely. Michael Jai White said the same thing but I disagree with yall both. 2:58
baby boys were not put on this earth to be abused by women & girls, and vice versa for the baby girls
But there's this idea that women are to be untouched like their box cures cancer or something. Complete expendability of males like they're second class citizens, ya'll being trained to dehumanize yourselves and think that's manhood.
Psychotic era you live in. It's not on you to compose yourself after an assault, it's on the people throwing the first swipe in the first place to not start the situation to begin with, male or female. You just signal to women that they can do whatever they want to men and men will just take it to look like a tough guy when being a punching bag is actually THE most weak image you could possibly make.
If you show mercy once, okay but if you have this rule to just let any woman just go upside your skull because she's a woman, you're a trained drone that was taught to be a doormat.
Your society hates and convinced you to accept abuse from what they believe is the better half of the species, and you believed the lie. I don't care if you shrug it off. Don't be a speed bag.
And don't be condescending to women making them think acting like a child is acceptable. You're part of the problem enabling girl mentality in grown women and then wonder why women don't act like women/adults. You're part of the problem not holding em accountable.
Composure is not a male thing and empathy is not a woman thing.
And the fact that these psychotic youtube comment bots deleted that statement just tells me enough that it’s true. Hold women accountable, then Youtube starts to panic.
Everytime i use the word “woman” in the context of accountability my comments go bye bye, fascists. Then we wonder why women are the weaklink when that is not even their intended design, always starting fights, bring the least to the table, we wonder where karens come from?
Can’t fix none of the smaller social issues if SOCIAL MEDIA is trying to snuff the conversation. Pure fascism.
There's ZERO masculinity in shielding women from consequences of their own actions, you're babysitting, you're smothering grown adults. If women don't learn there's consequence to being toxic, they will get worse and worse. Men & women are the same in this because that's how a CHILD learns.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Low Tier God Agrees with the KKK (Capitroll reupload)
Sunday, September 22, 2024
"talk about what you love, keep quiet about what you don't" / that's not how life works, sport
From the homophobia's, phobia this, phobia that to cancel culture, "hating", or straight bans.
yall keep playing with this martial law simulation. Controlling what people do, or you try your best to. Ya'll pick up these signals from your culture that protest is the way, but you adopt traits of fascism on your level as the masses anyway, and nobody caught that irony? gotta stop being so soft, if you disagree with someone make a damn case, especially if you chose to put your opinion on the market to be replied to. #starwars #echochamber #censorship #fascism #accountability #fandom (aka cults)Saturday, September 21, 2024
Chainsawtards #30: Yoru's Cake (another female character, another existence boils down to [piece of meat] status aaah Shonen, never change. And you won't.)
"Reminder the writer unironically got bullied by women."
"And wants more of it, and wants to put women on a higher pedestal than men. (His own words btw)."
"unbelievably based lol"
I agree, cause that makes sense though doesn't it? He wants to continue whats deraillng his country & America as we speak. Because more decline & weak males is precisely what future generations need
Fujimoto is a smart person, he wants more of what clearly is NOT working in society, based.
based crashing job market, based declining japanese birthrates, declining japanese economy is based.
more more more of whats NOT working, I agree with Fujimoto. Now that's a man that uses his brain meats.
Friday, September 20, 2024
The Boys is an awful show (Kinkshaming is bad: Not really)
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Dana White DESTROYS Reporter “No Leashes… Free Speech”
Grownass man has to be told what free speech is, Americans, Canadians you comfy westerners: Yall are playing a dangerous game thats not a game.
You are making Martial Law easier to implement.
You want to play faux-intellectual with these madeup 4D Scrabble "phobia-"isms go right ahead, but when you try to enforce that on the rest of the country/ THE WORLD, to the point of policing people? Controlling autonomy?
Controlling what someone can or cannot say like you live in a Third world fucking country?
You better back it up 5 or 10 steps, because yer laying the groundwork for somethin ugly baby.
And it started in 2013, and it amped up in 2015 & your country’s been derailing at max power ever since. And you think you're the heroes.
Same people who will protest Nazi’s for oppression & protest fascists for censorship will turn around and get someone fired because of a misgendering.
Fascism bad, btw shut up or i’ll cancel you.
Everything that happens to your country because you want to be an agent for the people who seek to destroy you-- you deserve everything you get.
Cause the irony isn’t lost on any of us, that we protest fascism but will be fascists.
We all enjoy the freedom to say what WE want, but shut someone else up when they offend the collective regime cult.
Then when we normalize censorship to the point where your Gov. shuts our dumbasses up, then we’re ready to fight.
When people fuck up, you hold them accountable. We are no one’s parents to the extent of controlling their goddamn mouths, “phobia phobia phobia”
If you say grass is blue, that doesn’t make it blue.
Notice how when Dana didn’t give him the response he expected, he immediately crumbled.
This is how weak and fragile this political correct mob/ Marxist takeover is, the moment- and I mean THE MOMENT you come back at them with conviction & resistance, they crumble.
All of this depends on you just rolling with it, this is why you shouldn’t accept the decline of your own civilization because you don’t want to risk being a social exile. Shut the hatred of minorities down without having to label it as a phobia (because some people do indeed just want to destroy anyone who doesn’t fit what their traditional paragon of what a human being should be), and shut people down who seek to muzzle you because they think your rights are their plaything.

Both situations are beyond not okay.
(Because the media machine & the elites that own them are steadily working their hardest to make that new world order happen and America needs to fall in order for it to happen- because if America is strong, then it’s a threat to a united gov. The empire needs to go down in ashes for the Phoenix to rise. To justify why it’s necessary. )
This is why these reporters talk this shit, they’re agents saying what their boss was told to say by their bosses boss boss boss, because weakness needs to be spread. Men need to be weak and constantly apologize for existing, not the women, but the men, the foundation, the group that carries civilization.
The first & foremost threat to a corrupt Gov.
MEN are the first line of defense against the bullshit. Men like Dana? Are exactly what the system fears, because when the Men are fortified the women follow suit right next to them. So if you castrate, shame, bash, weaken the men, you weaken the women (the final line of defense)
This is precisely why they want to redefine what a man is, make being a man toxic, push trans-isms on kids, specifically boys. They want those boys groveling, broken, or denouncing their manhood.
They need to bring men down like unruly animals, to finally bring America down.
And when men like Dana say “no”, the reporters panic. Because while Americans have been weakened, apparently not weak enough.
Because some Men still got their balls attached, and that’s a threat. Give it another 2 generations when Dana’s generation passes on, that’s when the Endgame happens.
When the generation with a backbone fades with time, and this cultivate new definition of maleness replaces them. Compliant, obedient, and ready to apologize.