I like the characterization of (Pre-Awakened) Paul better here, he's a lot more expressive, which makes his ascension more distinctive. Before he's like a normal happy kid, carefree, fair prince.
Then by the end he's like an all-knowing General, complete difference.
This is pretty much PART ONE & TWO in a single movie, which makes it a more complete project but the issue is because it has so much content: The pacing gets a bit messy in the second half.
Vs PART TWO's fast pacing which worked because the first movie did the groundwork first, what's where the new take shines, it splits itself up to better execute the heavier / war aspects of the story.
the 80's version has more going on, it dips into the spice connection to the worms, the true power of the voice & "weirding devices", Alia, a lot of impressive practical effects etc.
The Harkonnen's are too cartoonishly evil in the 80s version, I cannot take them seriously as a legit fighting force.
They're almost annoying tbh.
The new version did a better job showing their psychotic nature, their organization, their sterilized diseased look without making them look silly or too disgusting, which leans way too hard in one direction to make them visually antagonistic.
Again, the second half of the movie is too rushed but this is definitely a very different, authentic take on DUNE, very different filmmaking from the 2020 era DUNE movies, despite all the notes the new one's take from the Lynch movie.
PART TWO is still my preferred-
But 1984 movie is a solid adventure film that tells the same but not identical story, pacing issues in the latter half, good effects (some dated, but they're mostly practical), retro score, Shakespearean execution good filmmaking.
How, when their own country's birthrates are dropping, China too
politicization of women via the powers that be & media driving disconnect, redefining everything, cancel culture, misandry, etc
For Japan, Anime fetishization/pedo culture and various other factors. There's consequences to all that shit
I love how most won't even ask what caused THEIR men to check out in the first place. What cultural factors led to the fizzle just like the American's, just like the Chinese.
But mfs think the grass is greener when everyone's culture is fucked. (being the root of the problem)
Run from your homeland's women to go another whole ass country to bump births, when your birthrates are so bad your "leader" ALLOWED illegals to come in just to artificially boost the headcount.
You can't go helping someone else, when there's food still on your plate
Correct, it's not a war because the masses couldn't fight the takeover if they tried (and the takeover exists, it's just beyond something as petty as movies)
Point being, the powers that be that control the narrative that drive the disconnect between the sexes technically already won because the damage has been done since the 70s (hence the birthrates) and the changes that actually matter happen in policy and political office, The Houses. (immigrant crisis in America for example)
Pop culture is simply a minor vehicle to keep people distracted from that fact or? Show the people what's going to happen eventually whether or not they catch the warning and or?
Sometimes? A movie is just a movie.
And so these grown men that constantly perpetuate this division and resisting anything female led are ultimately just playing into the plan, exacerbating the disconnect. Creating loyal hatemongers, cult members that instinctively cringe at a woman leading too much of anything when they'd simp for it if was an anime instead (The industry of objectification), and there's a good couple of good anime that are indeed similar to Furiosa (Now and Then, Here and There or Desert Punk or Berserk/* for example)
Just Playing into the agenda that they claim to be aware of, and yet are part of the problem.
What's really going on is that these guys fed their audience a narrative of a film that probably wasn't that good (Captain Marvel), kept doing it because it got views and now conditioned them & themselves to digest only that. And so that's where their bread comes from, it's no different from the Progressive, they are simply feeding the followers a consensus
It's like a 115 lb street fighter mobster lady with knuckle-dusters on vs Jon Jones It's a massacre, it's not even a fight. The lady is going to the morgue. #GOKU #lessermook #DragonBall #ANIME #PROBLEMATICGOKU
Well shot, good production, CGI on some of the animals is shit.
Sarii is best character
Taabe is best human character.
Naru’s mum did nothing wrong
Bear-Kun did nothing wrong
The Feral Yautja is a god, great effects on him. Visual and sound.
Naru is just a pretentious little shit, annoying character.
For now, you want a better version of what they attempted to do for Naru, watch:
Alpha 2018✔️✔️
And bonus underrated gems:
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit✔️✔️
If Balsa took on the Feral Predator, I’d believe 100% she could likely take it on. Her combat speed, & Spear wielding is unrivaled.
And when she’s serious, she’s even faster.
She’s the type of fighter with a “No kill” rule, so imagine her letting loose 100% on something that can easily keep up with her.
Oh my lord.
How can she do it but Naru can’t? Same reason why Dutch & Harrigan’s attempts are legit, actual combat EXPERIENCE.
Seasoned Fighters.
#prey2022 #movies #lessermook
The Northman ✔️✔️✔️✔️
Could Amleth beat the Feral? Same with Balsa, they could “take it on”, but beating an un-nerfed Feral?
The same one that murked those Frenchman? Same one that mauled a full grown Bear with one punch?
I don’t know, but I know their fights would be legit, unlike Naru.
The dude Amleth is feral, a duel wielder, fast hands with sword/blunt force weapons, and (Most importantly) can fight while mortally injured & is a legitimate Berserker.
The one’s out of legend.
Amleth and Feral roaring at each other before charging with Viking drums just pounding in surround sound. Triggering that caveman sector of your brain, watching an epic showdown of Alphas of two worlds just ripping each other apart.
I would pay to see Feral fight either of the two.
Just watch the The Predator from the 80's STILL the best movie, AVP is my personal 2nd fav. Requiem would be better if it wasn't darker than me.
One of the tracks in Transformers Prime: The Game (Wii) sounds like a praise break lmfao
"Betrayal And Redemption SIR"
A lot of this album reminds me of. (E.S. Posthumus), if ya'll remember what group that is, a studio responsible for a lot of trailer music back in the early 2000s
"dig another grave for those we couldn't save"
This song gives another meaning to that "Perfect Chemistry" Spongebob episode, Sandy was plotting his downfall from the beginning, Bikini Bottom ain't big enough for two geniuses.
"There is a criminal lack of good Fallout macro content. There's a lot of potential for fun scenarios utilizing the games' humor and themes of nuclear mutation. I recall a really old piece had an irradiated gal who was as tall as Tenpenny Tower. Can't remember the artist though."
"There is a criminal lack of good Fallout macro content."
GOOD. The less macrocreeps get pandered to, one less opportunity for them to ruin/taint another IP with the creepazoid antics, as if not getting pandering has EVER stopped a fetishist from being an insufferable cringelord anyway.
Like that annoying younger sibling that just refuses to read the room and just dial it down.
The lack is actually a good thing.
The issue is It's only fun than contrived for someone who's already obsessed with gigantism to an unreasonable extent, so the idea of it being in the game is just a aesthetic decision than about mechanical benefit of the Game itself and what already exists: THE ISSUE is the idea is already is coming from an unhealthy place of fanaticism as is because fetish means obsession/ thus zealot/ hence fanatic.
That's problem #1, Intentions.
And that means the idea is more about the aesthetic than some contrived sense of "themes", when it's really about just having giant women in the game because you want to get off on having giant women in the game because giant women *dur
I shit you not, there's mods for Fallout right now to alter size of the character and it's from macrocreeps.
That's the shit i'm talking about, they're very predictable. They're so elaborate and annoying I can't even ignore it anymore.
So in reality it'd be more pandering a niche than actual theme exploration or an actual ATTEMPT to pitch a good gameplay idea. It's projection.
Now that isn't to say projection is always bad.
There's a level of good projection in some of the best stories (Stan Lee & Spider-man) but that projection is personal LIFE Experience, values, principles, structure vs fetish coded concepts, and the origin of a fetish is a child's brain doing something it shouldn't have been doing.
There's some things you put in, and things you DON'T put in. It's part of any competent creation process.
In reality, the ghouls, various lore, the BEHEMOTH/ Mutants being man-made, not born.
Just like the war that birthed them, man made mistakes are the themes. Giant big-breasted women have no place in that.
Now if you were to tell me the Behemoth mutants evolved to be sex-dimorphic then created their own society with procreation & threatened to replace mankind as the new apex humanoid species, and behemoth women, hideous traits and all are NPC enemies?
That's different, that'd be a sick concept and story.
But you see the difference is the female Behemoth wouldn't be a hott bombshell, if you REALLY wanted to be true to the themes- they wouldn't be attractive AT ALL.
But you see, that defeats the narrative, because the entire point is to provide macrophiles a proxy to project their potential mommy issues onto.
nothing to do with a good story, which is why 99% of their own stories are trash
The Mirelurk Queen is fucking huge, plenty of giants in fallout. But it's not "good" macro-content, whatever the fuck that means-- why? Because no giant wamen that are conventionally appealing,*dur
Fact is, the Mirelurk Queen is a giantess in it's true form (A female beast), but she's not human enough to scratch that itch huh lol, so it's not "GOOD fallout macro content" , headass.
Which is my point, fanaticism getting in the way of creativity.
It's the entire issue with fetishists pitching anything, they're so devoted/ married to their cult obsession consensus, for most it lives in their head rent-free. many even admit it.
The obsession hijacks whatever potential they could be tapping into with whatever idea they have. I've seen it so many times over maybe 15 years? And ONLY cause I caught wind of it.
It's why Giantess fetish stories have better production value these days because good art (endless talent wasted on bullshit) but the WRITING IS always, and I MEAN ALWAYS cringe-tier DOGSHIT, because they repeat the exact same shit over and over again, like propaganda majors.
It's infantile as fuck, and embarrassing that adults make that shit.
It's why their stories suck and Susan Murphy works.
The difference is intentions. For Susan, her gigantism was merely a vehicle to make her an outlier to humanity, and in reality her character is worthy love-letter to Nancy Archer.
Now for the game, a better idea would be to give the player the option to have a harder gameplay experience for RAD-powers through %chance RAD poisoning under certain criteria.
It's not easy to achieve, but the chance to do it is presented often.
You'd lose options & mechanics due to health handicaps and bodily corrosion but gain power, how much of whats left of your humanity will you sacrifice for the power of the atom
If you're RAD-powered- then some feral Ghouls specifically wouldn't attack you as much but they can now talk to you, and they can tell you stories, and explain what happened to them if you can navigate the convo in that direction or even show you parts of the world unseen to normal people
But if you're hostile or depending on who you're talking to, they will fight you with 5x more aggro & different mutation variants than normal gameplay as a normal human.
That's an opportunity for WAAAAY more lore, content and a challenge.
imagine how many more people would be playing a Fallout game anew JUST to go to certain vaults/locations/landmarks as an Irradiated mutate just to hear the testimonies of various Ghouls and what their experiences were, and what quests might come from that or a war between Ghouls, Mirelurks and Mutants-
that's HOURS more worth of gaming. That's content.
art by arsenixc
NONE of that which I pitched is coming from a place of a Ghoul fetish or some shit (i'm sure that's a thing because brain go derp sometimes), it's an investment in the lore, and zero agenda.
Putting the STORY & content first before impulses.
That is what is missing from op's pitch, authenticity. Very transparent as to where this idea is coming from and why they're pitching it, it's obvious.
Zero genuine desire to explore anything vs just wanting to expand your gynocentrism-worship bullshit from your booru's into big name IP's
Not every Fetishist in Dm’s block me, most of em hit me with the “Why do you care?” excuse, then I hit them with a various flurry of counters.
“You wouldn’t be asking me that If I liked it, you’re only panicking because I didn’t say what you wanted me to say. Which is why you didn’t reply to any of the other 300 people that are praising you but you responded to me.”
“you’re not entitled to everyone agreeing with you when you’re the one that made this public in the first place.”
And someone actually conceded to that point, imagine my shock. Good on them.
Some people are honest & disagree while acknowledging the obvious reality, most lose steam & run out of things to say, and others block:
Hence why I say sometimes:
“-sticking your head in the sand, only wanting people to say what you want them to say.”
And some people prove me right by shutting me out, cowardice for no reason. It’s not like i’m insulting their mother, just some infantile obsession that 99% of them couldn’t even tell you where it came from.
Not Fetishists specifically, (“we” in general as people), we can’t be this blasted sensitive and yet be so open & brazen about what we choose to share AND EXPECT nothing but the responses we WANT to hear from people:
happy thoughts
If you think you deserve ONLY the replies you want to see ? You’re delusional, and your ‘feel good’ society lied to you.
Cause that’s not how life works people. No matter how many you block, that is NOT how life works, my friend.
I’ve said this to so many people:
“Mankind/other people do not exist for your optimum Internet experience.”
You are not special. When you post dumb crap or even psychotic crap, some people will point out it’s dumb & psychotic.
Because at the end of the day, the person calling it out isn’t the problem when YOU made it public in the first place, genius:
I made the content public, but if you don’t like it you’re a bad person when I’m the one that subjected myself to possible criticism. You exist to make me feel good about myself, you swine.
Otherwise the question has to be asked, in general: [Who do you think you are?] To presume people shouldn’t say anything? Do you think you’re an exception to criticism?
What timeline do we live in where some of us feel like we’re entitled to nothing but what makes us feel good about ourselves from other people, regardless of what it is that we’re putting out in the world?
Because what kills me about these communities is these people will make the most disgusting shit, which is NOT my issue. If you got it on your drive, not my problem.
But my issue is that it’s not enough that they made it, NO they felt that was soooo damn good, that they needed to share it with the rest of the Planet & ultimately add it to Humanity’s digital continuity and if anyone says anything less than “WOW/Amazing/Hot/ Good job/ Should’ve been meeee!/She should’ve swallowed her kids whole instead of chewing them”, you’re the problem if you call it out. #Logic
That’s the part that kills me, this Twilight Zone shit.
What Planet did you come from where you were so awesome that nobody questioned you? Ever.
I shit you not, I’ve made so many changes to my editing & drawing projects over the years, all for the absolute BETTER because people criticized them. That’s called evolution, discourse, reception, growing the hell up.
That’s why criticism exists, accountability to drive improvement. Not all criticism is constructive but that’s what criticism is for.
Some of us went and conflated criticism with “persecution” and then because we get accustomed to being coddled by a community where everything wrong we do is right, your instant defense mechanism to criticism is retreat and attack mode —
aka Fragility (Not specific to fetishists, I see this in Anime communities too, Political parties etc., but Fetishists especially because they're spoiled by the fact that there's this unspoken made up rule that kinks are somehow off limits- HA! Good luck with that.)
(Fragility) is what happens when people spend years upon years to a decade or more in echo-chambers, threads, discords/ CULTS getting cosigns and ZERO challenge.
It’s how you make a weak human being, and that’s WHY corrupt Governments encourage groupthink, hivemind.
Again, same goes for religion or any gated space. When you shield yourself from opposing/diverse thought, you’re nerfing your own ability to expand your perception and thoughts.
But fetishism is special because it's sexual, and it's some silly crap like MacroCringe then the fantasy factor is only going to boost the dopamine trips by x5, meaning extra addictive. Meaning more devotion, psychological adoption, hence obsessive, hence cult.
If no one told you before, NOW you know:
You are not entitled to a cult.
Which is exactly what these folks want: An echo chamber where everyone says what we want them to say, get likes & then they ask for more, nothing more, nothing less.
An industry of corruption & insanity, all with a smile.
Do yourself a favor, don’t put yourself in a fetish box forever.
Don’t settle for less just because you’re rewarded for being a cringe-lord and you think no one’s ever going to challenge you.
Be strong enough to try to leave it behind at some point.
But if you make it public?
I repeat: If YOU chose to make certain content public? Be ready for BOTH spectrums of response. As with anything, from a movie review to making music.
plain and simple TL:DR: A mfs deep rooted issues aka / manifested psychological red flags aka (fetishes), ain't gotta be the worlds business, that's straight Too.Much.INFO.
Period. Non-debatable. The End.
WARNING T.M.I Tangent below:
This is YEARS, years & years of culmination of annoyance of cringery. Let's get that out the way, this isn't Mook snapping cause of one out of pocket scene in some show nobody talks or gives a fuck about. (this time)
There's a reason why your personal shit and your profession are separate, unless it's a translated artistic vision.
Example: *(EARTHBOUND's Giygas form is a thematic expression of the Game art Director's (Shigesato Itoi) childhood trauma of seeing a rape scene in a movie theatre by accident, that trauma/those issues is what bled into Giygas being one of the most effectively creepy final bosses in video game history. Boom.)*
That's artistic vision, that's personal/ "projection" done "right" in a sense, if you point out a good example.
As dark, and unfortunate as it is that he went through that.
vs (Writing that Little man, a kid, serenade wanting to see an Amazon, that shit's weird.)
Example #2: Stan Lee, Brad Bird etc. a lot of what made their creations strike a chord in audiences (whether people know it or not) is BECAUSE instead of projecting a diaper fetish or Giantwamen- aka toxic feminist gynocracy propaganda/#misandrist male self-hatred aka the "Bro needs a hug" Fetish.
Instead of that parenthoodfail crap, Bird & Lee inserted an aspect of their personal experience, not their skeletons (which is not our business), but **grounded, down to earth** portions of their life experience (within reason), in the creation process and actually made something good that's going to hold up long after we're all dead. (The Incredibles, The Original Spider-Man character)
There's a BIG difference between that and:
The Hoozuki no Shima story didn't need a 11 yr old kid's ass put on display constantly (sexualized, naked, sexually exploited/exposed numerous times, pedobait both in and out of context) in order to tell a straight forward thriller story. And like the video said, it is NOT a doujinshi.
An X-Men spin-off comic where one of the characters were accused of liking "pee", the liquid crap that goes in a toilet bowl, lmfao. I shit you not (X-Terminators #4)
The average Hero Wars advertisement (they're just asking for a video, I swear they're asking for it...)
**Average anime/manga where underage characters are sexualized religiously
Or that PowerPuffGirls 2016 show, random character (Jared Shapiro), writers decided to base the look off a coworker. Blossom (kindergarten age btw) simped over his muscled up character, shirtless. According to the network, he (modelee) in question, only "voiced" didn't write that episode. As if that changes the fact that an ADULT wrote a sequence where Kindergartner was simping for a shirtless character modeled after a coworker and the guy whose likeness was used, not only didn't question how odd that is, but voiced it anyway. K.
Despite the contrary, none of this is really a big deal frfr UNTIL you realize the pattern, the fact that none of that fetish/cringe-coded shit enhances the story or characters in any way long-term. Literally, all examples.
Soooo all that shit just seals the deal that it's just a bizarre method of forced self-vindication of some random that happened to write an episode.
Just weird af projection coming from grown mfs who shoulda been grew outta 95% of what they're obsessed on yeeears ago.
Side note: The giant/giant woman CONCEPT by itself isn't cringe (ex. Antman, Superheroes), or at least it didn't used to be cringe, it's just been twisted, mangled & corrupted to hell since 2000 onward thanks to internet bottom feeders.
This is why Susan Murphy✅ works so well (underrated character), she isn't treated like a mouthpiece for some cultural failure's self-esteem/psychological/ mommy issues with women, she's a character first and foremost that learns to take control of her life, it isn't toxic or weird, it's simple. She's a blatant love letter to *Nancy Archer's* tragic character (the good ending for Nancy in a way lol), ANOTHER underrated character, love that shit.
Now, I (depending on the context) 100% get wanting to immerse with what you're working on (ex. Original characters), but art in general (especially intellectual property) isn't about you, the writer.
There's a big difference between Inspiration & self-INSERTION.
Artistic translation vs Projection
Sometimes what determines a writers quality, is what they choose NOT to put in the story, for the sake of the story vs someone making story decisions for their own kicks (ex. She-Hulk show)
*Art vs Ego, where's the line: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.*
being a parent doesn't mean you have the best interest for children, sometimes the worst policies regarding children come from parents.
The ego & selfishness to spawn a child for no one's sake but your own doesn't give you authority to make laws regarding children & single people have no say-- As if your reasons to even have a baby were so noble to begin with.
"You don't have a child, I do" is not the flex people think it is. It's a poor attempt to shut someone down with the same energy you tapped into to decide have the baby in the first place:
Ego, ego, thy name is Ego.
People really need to check themselves. Children are not a social status for your image nor a token of accomplishment for your fragile sense of existential worth because you couldn't actually achieve a legacy in life through work.
They are the casualties of our passing "wants" & materialism mentality.
And the "State" reaps the benefits of the spawning cattle, ready to put the baby through every red-tape process, system and eventually wring them dry of their life-clock in the workforce.
Gov. will start dictating what you say, what you see, and they will come for your kids.
Not a fan of Star Trek, but this shit was ahead of it's time.
2:12 Boom, that's what most people are missing. This obligatory sense of duty, that's what's missing from a lot of people calling themselves parents. People do it just because they can, just because they want a new toy called a "baby" to spice things up, and the kid just becomes part of the routine.
The missing element is duty, and necessity.
Last minute forced kaiju transformation with her breaking down emotionally/ confliction was a poor attempt to emotionally manipulate the audience into thinking she was a victim.
And how cowardly was it to make some ghoulish looking villain archetype in the computer the “real” bad guy instead of committing to Akane being the problem,.
Ofc the pretty girl was the real victim and the tall, lanky mf is the REAL bad guy. Trash, weak, lame, safe.
Akame Ga Kill is mediocre too but i will give it this:
They didn’t let the fact that the murderer was cute get in the way of justice. She didn’t get to log out scottfree and move on with her life.
That bitch got cut open. Respect.
So nope, she can pose in her bikini all she want, not enough to wipe away all the shit she did, couldn’t stand her or the awkward fanservice/blatant creepy eroticism writers kept forcing on her either.
Don’t care if she’s got glasses on, or if she’s hugging on a body sized pillow, trying to be cute and shit.
Or putting her funky feet in the camera- all the classic, creepy as shit (because someone animated that and said: “YEP”) soft kink baity tricks these studios use to pander to the males/audience-to MANUFACTURE attachment to a character through sex appeal when they’re too lazy to give her an actual identity or purpose.
not buying it, i’m here for the writing. Not the bait.
Akane really should’ve been the focus, and Gridman was presented as the bad guy through her eyes throughout the Anime. If they wanted to go there and make it actually interesting.
She’s a manipulative little snot, petty, evil and she didn’t suffer enough. Period.
She needed to die, or be written to have an actual redemption arc, fix her goddamn mess.
Not a last minute feels fest after a bunch of soft spoken attempts at character depth through pretty colors, quiet moments, girl x girl bonding and vague presumptions of what the fuck her issue is.
Like her cracked glasses supposedly being a reference to nemesis prime or her “shattered” self?
Lmfao, okay? Put that kind of effort into her character arc instead of “THEMES” surrounding her and then we’re cooking with grease.
And then to find out [SPOILERS]: She’s just some Japanese high schoolgirl IRL, aka first world problems.
Not a disgruntled abuse victim, not a rape victim, not someone being seriously mistreated (or that we see, not told); Something that would reasonably filter as malignant intent if they suddenly had the role of “god” essentially.
Something worth exploring instead of her body, her being a minor btw.
The kaiju references were one of the best things about the show, but that had nothing to do with her character.
Point being:
Take away that modern Baby Doll Anime appearance and instead she was looking plain jane like Anan from Turn A Gundam; Or actually ugly.
She’d get nowhere near as many people willing to just settle with her walking away from her mess. Or thinking she’s deep lmfao.
Which is where 90% of this leeway is coming from, thirst and sex appeal.
No amount of fanservice & cutesie waifu bait scenes will alleviate her of her actions or paint her as some victim that someone used for their ends-
Even as that is the case, she gets to log out despite still choosing to do what she did? She wouldn’t get that excuse if she were a creepy fat looking dude character with a heart of gold. Fact.
Alebit reluctantly, Imma watch SSS-Gridman again at some point anyway for refreshed context, so i’m not just talking out my bum (which i'm not either way because I actually watched the show). Just to observe her character specifically & the writing surrounding her coming to terms with her deeds.
Otherwise, It’s only symbolic that while in her crib, the character always surrounded by literal TRASH-
YES thank you!!! More of this kind of marketing and less of that Giant Woman cringe-fest bullshit.
I don't know if ya'll fired the macrophile on your marketing team and that's why this trailer is not dogshit but keep it up, I keep seeing your crap on YT, facebook, Twitter -- NO IDEA why but if i gotta see it, at least make it good
FINALLY HERO wars drops a half decent trailer that'd actually make a solid show, holy moley.
When a country is hung up on common sense discussions because of social corruption, because a Nation forgot how to say "no", lost their backbone; They won't be able to fix any of the real or bigger issues if they're too busy distracted on the little things that weren't even a question 20 years-30 years ago
And so, if said nation is not fixing the big issues themselves because the weak-links of society are contributing to the decline, the confusion, the controversy, constant censorship, constant regulation of language (what to say, who to say it to how to say it ie. Fascism). constant hostility, constant arguing.
As a result the infrastructure is compromised, the people are weakened, the strength of the nation is castrated, thus not a threat to opposing nations that would love to see the Empire fall.
And it all starts with redefining the family/ men/ women; The foundation. And eventually the children, the future, corrupt them? And you won, you compromised the enemy.
You complicate something simple like what a man & a woman is? You won, you made the enemy question the unquestionable. You somehow made those idiots complicate a fact of reality, and now their society is an insane asylum with people walking around claiming they’re whatever they want be at any given moment, predators infiltrating bathrooms, girls & women preyed upon---
If your goal was destabilization, guess what? You Won, buddy.
You make truth a hate-crime? Making fascism and silencing people a natural course of action to disagreement? You won.
When Democracy becomes a privilege instead of the default mechanism of a civilization: You already lost.
When tolerance turns into infantilization, you won.
Because then, naturally the country isn't on a united front, not that everyone in any country will always agree like a hivemind:
but there's a difference between discourse and DIVIDE.
So The Country, divided & being conquered on a social level is on a countdown, borrowed time and all you have to do is sit back & watch the symptoms: birthrates fall, the compromised borders, the suicide rates, corrupt Gov., incompetent leadership taking bribes from foreign powers, the economy decline, the social derailment, hedonism, people afraid to speak or say anything, police afraid to protect a woman from a mob because the mob is LGBT, women/people being punched in the streets by illegal aliens whom their leader invited in the first place, production is nonexistent- absolute derailment.
"decline, decline, decline", said Rome.
It starts with redefining language, censoring. confusing the simple things. To corrupt the bigger picture.
In a melting pot, the minorities (in all forms) ideally are the strength, they should be an example of why we’re strong. But when they are becoming a symptom, when they're a handicap, you did something wrong.
And all they have to do as a collective is stop budging, stop saying sorry & just fix the problems accordingly, and just learn how to say "No" even if you’re hated for it. That’s the charge of being a Leader. Especially when the rights of parents aren’t even part of a discussion pertaining to their own goddamn children.
Decline starts not with progress, but compromising what made you strong in the first place.
And if said country forgot what that was? Well, then you deserve whatever happens next.
Empires fall, your turn is coming if you don't get ya shit together
These protected groups are becoming the weak-link in the chain of civilization, when minorities should be the strength of a melting pot.
this is what happens when your privilege goes to your head
You're failing from the ground up as a village, more and more. We believe all women, protect all women until they say something that conflicts with our cults mantra:
Then your human rights/rights as a woman are forfeit, absolute cowards.
Swarm people to root em out, bully, nothing less than a cult.
Bunch of youngins eager to stand for something, and the best you could come up with is mobbing a person that can't oppose you in any way because you need numbers to accomplish anything & bully them.
Real tough guys. Real tough. Very tolerant.
Funny how hate crimes rely on certain people getting their feelings hurt but when the protected group themselves persecute others- *crickets.
5:24 Mafia tactics.
I guess LGBTs protected class-privilege is categorized higher than Women: the threshold of human life.
So less than 1% is held in higher regard than more than half of the human fucking race.
That's good to know.
4:00 - 4:16
BOOM, preach sista.
Empires fall, your turn is coming if you don't get ya shit together
These protected groups are becoming the weak-link in the chain of civilization, when minorities should be the strength of a melting pot.
this is what happens when your privilege goes to your head
You're failing from the ground up as a village, more and more.
We believe all women, protect all women until they say something that conflicts with our cults mantra:
Then your human rights/rights as a woman are forfeit, absolute cowards.
Swarm people to root em out, bully, nothing less than a cult.
Bunch of youngins eager to stand for something, and the best you could come up with is mobbing a person that can't oppose you in any way because you need numbers to accomplish anything & bully them.
Real tough guys. Real tough. Very tolerant.
Funny how hate crimes rely on certain people getting their feelings hurt but when the protected group themselves persecute others- *crickets.
5:24 Mafia tactics.
I guess LGBTs protected class-privilege is categorized higher than Women: the threshold of human life.
So less than 1% is held in higher regard than more than half of the human fucking race.
That's good to know.
"Do your best" is something you usually tell a child when their drawing is crap, you know it's crap but you boost them anyway because they're vulnerable.
That slogan in this situation is so disproportionate & oddly infantile, especially with these stakes lol, I feel like I'm watching Captain Planet or the Backyardigans (good show btw)
Holy moley. For lack of a better term, it reads so childish. Even for a shonen.
Power of Friendship baby, just worse than all these examples:
The writing is F but Art is A-Tier Dude knows how to sketch, if he a better writer, like if he was just an art director like Glen Murakami was for Teen titans 2003, this could've been beyond decent
Too much pedo shit for it to be a kids show. He tried too many times to make it dark when he rarely wanted to kill anyone or commit to consequences. And he made the villains too powerful, and didnt allow them to bank on that power through casualty
Too many characters for one man to possibly execute properly.
He has Zack Snyders (because it'd look cool) syndrome.
He strayed too far from the "Academia" in My Hero Academia Shoulda just kept them in school, 4 Stages of Highschool, with deku iida, katsuki & ochako as the main focus.
4 seasons of simple but effective development, with better directed fights. And Deku leaving in season 3 finale The entire story was a post-op draft for a What If? Avatar The Last Airbender with a hint of Sky High & Teen Titans 2003
First few volumes/Season 1-2 are still OK today, but Season3 is where it tanked. Deku shoulda left the Academia-
But Horikoshi strayed too far from the "Academia" in My Hero Academia & like Isayama wasn't given any room to do it right. Mangaka (Shonen Jump) culture is horrible.
"Do your best" in a situation like that is the kind of crap you put in a Barney Special lmfao.
weebatitis done went & got it's hands on Barney, sheesh